
Check THIS out: An actual reason to own a Wii! Muramasa: The Demon Blade

Yep thats right, I'll automatically throw down the gauntlet and tell you, this game is so good that it is a legitimate reason to own a wii. The first one since Zelda: Twilight Princess, and you didn't even really need to own a wii to enjoy that one, so technically, this is really the first reason there has been, in almost three years. It's finally happened! Rejoice! The wii has something truly worth playing, and it is Muramasa: The Demon Blade.

We'll get this out of the way first: visually, this game is a masterpiece. I've thrown down another gauntlet here. A word like that shouldn't be tossed around lightly, for a piece of music, a movie, or whatever. But I use it gladly here. If you play through this game and look at scenes like this and don't let in a sharp intake of breath or at least say "wow, thats awesome", well then you sir (or madam, and if you are a madam and play video games like this, email me your phone number) simply have no taste. This game looks incredible. In-cred-ible. It looks better (in a different way, of course!) than most PS3 or 360 games, and its on the wii, which is pretty much just two gamecubes taped together, which is definitely an impressive feat. This snow picture here gives you an idea of the sheer beauty of this game, but really, pictures don't do it justice at all. It needs to be seen in motion, for the subtle nuances in the background, like a dragonfly buzzing around your face, or snowflakes lightly falling the background, or a torrential downpour that is broken by the sunlight as you advance across the screen. Maybe I'm sounding too poetic, but this game is a work of art. I'd already tell you just to buy it or at least experience it just to see the graphics, gameplay be damned.

But the good news here is, the gameplay delivers. If it didn't, I wouldn't have said this is a reason to own a wii, right? It'd just be a game to rent to take over to your friends - who is likely a mom, or a girl who likes ponies, or your grandparents if they own a wii - house to check out how pretty is. But instead, you have not one but two awesome and fairly epic stories to enjoy, and each one will take longer than what has pretty much become the standard game length, which is usually around 8-10 hours. Running through with Momohime, the cute samurai girl that I picked first, took me right around 13 hours. And thats just one of two quests. Thats what we call great value, and wii games cost $10 less than 360 and PS3 games too, so thats even better value for your money. So we got the length that is better than most games and you'll see all sorts of pretty scenes and cool looking (if maybe a little too palette swapped, which means, you'll fight a lot of the same enemy except it'll be a different color) enemies, and how about the story? Well heres the thing - if you are a nerd, and into anime at all, you will eat this junk up. Same if you love old samurai tales and NINJAS, which I'd like to think nearly everyone loves ninjas, but I dunno, there could be an odd few out there that don't. If you don't have a nerd bone in your body, you probably won't be impressed. However, if you don't have a nerd bone in your body, you probably wouldn't be reading this review anyways. I'll give you a bit of a synopsis, and see if you bite: in Momohime's story, shes possessed by this (awesome) bad guy named Jinkuro. He takes over her soul and enters her body for his own evil plan to basically find the most kickass sword in the land and waste everyone who stands in his way with his "oboro style". Momohime is a sweet little innocent (boring) girl before shes possessed by Jinkuro, who makes her awesome. Momohime Jinkuro talks crap to just about anyone in her path, and her story takes her to Hell, which is kinda standard issue for a lot of anime stories, but in a cool twist, you also head up into the Heavens to try and find the best sword in the land. You've got your standard issue corrupt priest who tries to thwart your (also evil) plans, you fight a mess of ninjas and other samurai who stand in your way, and just for good measure, you even kick the piss out of Momohimes love interest, although he isn't all that he seems either. Sound awesome? Sound like you'd want to spend 13 hours seeing what happens next? Well then go get this game. Doesn't sound like your cup of tea? Well, the graphics and the collection aspect, as well as the cool and easy to pick up gameplay still might interest you.

Just to showcase again that everything in this game is beautiful. Thats Momohime about to take a nice dip in the hot springs, and this is just a minor sidenote on the game - recovering in a hot spring. Yet just like everything else here, its of the highest quality, this game was obviously a work of love by everyone involved. And its great that we finally get to see something like this on the wii. But enough gushing, what do I mean about the gameplay you say? Well, for one, its totally old school. And we all know that Clev likes him some old school gameplay. It's really done through two buttons - you have your button for slashing attacks, and your button for special attacks attributed to each sword (you equip and switch between three at a time). You use another button to switch between your items and your swords, and that second button is important - because one of your most useful attacks is charging up your "soul" count (basically what you get from every defeated enemy and some you just find in the background) until those swords flash so that when you switch, you do a cool slash that ruins every enemy on the screen's stuff. You'll use it often, and you won't get tired of using it either. Theres also a collection aspect - theres a whole BUNCH of swords to get for both characters, and some you can only get by beating the game with either character, or having a certain sword from one character to get another sword for the other. It's a cool system, and while you'll collect so many souls and such that you won't really have to pick and choose which swords you want, you'll have a good time switching swords and using cool new special attacks. It's an awesome system, and unlike Dissidia, it'll leave you always feeling accomplished and like you are working toward something. It'll keep you playing, basically. And the battle system isn't all that complex, but it doesn't matter - everything happens so fast and the combat is so stylish that you are unlikely to ever get bored. It's great stuff.

What other awesome aspect to discuss here? How about the bosses. Here's one, a sort of japanese style cyclops. The boss battles are intense, and if you are ballsy enough to switch to the harder mode, you better bring your A game, and on top of that, a lot of stuff to heal your ass when you fight them. They are epic and some are often 5-10 minutes long, especially the final boss fights. They also have very cool (and old school) lead ups to the confrontations, which is to say, you will often have to traverse through an old run down castle or a shady town or a significantly ominous location before you get to face them. There is a slight problem with the backtracking in the game, which might have been done just to stretch out the length a little more, but honestly, you probably won't mind much. I never did, because there was always something new to see on the horizon or if I had to go through something I already had, well I'll probably hit a few level ups on the way there anyways, so no big deal. Really, this game doesn't have too many flaws. And that should make sense, since I already told you that its so good that you should go buy a wii just to play it. So I guess that I'm telling you, this game is worth $300 to play. I stand by those words. BOOM! I said that. And there isn't a whole lot more to say after dropping that bomb on you, so on to the scores.

Oh, and one last thing! No douchebag alert for this game, thank God. Everyone is cool. Momohime and Kisuke are awesome main characters (Momo is saved because shes possessed by someone MUCH more awesome than she is throughout most of her story), you will have cool conversations with some of the later bosses, you will feel like an epic badass when you talk crap to demons in hell or gods in heaven, and its all just really cool stuff. So, good news everyone! No douchebags here, they make their appearances in lesser games.

Graphics - 10/10. It doesn't get any better this. Yes, they aren't HD. But what they are is absolutely spectacular. Pictures don't do them justice. It's by far the most beautiful old school game I've ever played, and there should be more games like this. Hopefully this one is truly successful (unlike most niche games like this on the wii have been) and we DO see more.

Sound - 10/10. Just as great as the graphics. Its all japanese voiced, which may turn some off, but honestly, we'd have just gotten poorly acted english voices, and would have had to wait even more months if they did that, so its better this way. Some of the tunes in the background will get stuck in your head, from the ominous to the cheery, its all here. And the sound effects, mostly the clangs and bangs of swords, are all here too. It's great stuff.

Challenge - 7/10. Honestly, I don't think I died once on the Muso mode. The game is meant to be experienced, not meant to be struggled through. That isn't a bad thing. However, you can also bump it up to the other mode (I think its called Shura?) and then the game doesn't eff around. Keep healing items on hand and prepare to get your ass kicked often, but you'll still enjoy yourself and won't truly struggle with anything. It's really just the right blend of difficulty for game like this. The progression is phenomenal too and that doesn't happen in many games.

Fun - 10/10. Maybe I should add a sidenote and say 10/10 for nerds only, but really, anyone who has a passing interest in games should check this one out. Some of the backgrounds honestly look like a painting in motion. How many games can boast something like that? And the gameplay is so easy to pick up and play that anyone can enjoy themselves, even the casual gamer. Theres something for them here, and theres the collection aspect and the bumping of the difficulty for the hardcore. Something for everyone, and this is yet another reason the game is a masterpiece.

Overall - 10/10. Nevermind my lower score for the challenge. This is the reason to own a wii (finally!). This really has been the year for old school and where we got a 2D fighting masterpiece in BlazBlue a few months back, now we get a side-scrolling 2D masterpiece from those mad geniuses at Vanillaware. This game is worth $300 to play. 'nuff said.

Friday night...a time for...reviewing a couple games! Final Fantasy: Dissidia is first.

Alright, so I'm not gonna post a picture of the graphics for this yet because, anyone who isn't familiar with Final Fantasy - and I'd like to think just about anyone, even non-gamers, know of the massive entity/cash machine that is Final Fantasy - needs to know that, these games have freakin' character. Panache even. Pizazz. The characters all stand out in some way, either by being incredibly homoerotic and having questionable sexuality (looking at you, Bartz, Firion!) or by being so badass and hardcore that people will be using their names and likenesses to make up for their own lack of originality for years to come (mostly Sephiroth here, although for me, it'd be Kefka). Game has style. I pretty much guarantee you will find at least a couple of the people in that gaggle there to be pretty awesome and fit your particular idea of what is awesome. A dude with a sword...that is also a freakin' GUN? Yeah, hes in there. His names Squall. Dudes with bigass swords that no possible mortal could lift, let alone swing at some jerk? Uh huh, theres a couple of those. Scantily clad chics that can fling a fireball or blizzard your way while you are trying to look up their skirt? They are in here too. In short, this series has generated a whole mess of memorable characters, and the general idea with this game - which is a PSP exclusive, and believe you me, you won't find many of those! Especially good ones! But the general idea with this one is, throw em all in here, and let em fight amongst themselves.

So the main question on everyone's mind would probably first be, well, does it work? And the answer is yeah, it does...pretty much. If you look at just the "fighting" aspect of this game, things can get a little simple. You have two different attack buttons, and three different attacks for each button. You have your bravery attacks. Those are the ones that may be a little common, a swing of the sword, chucking a boomerang to bring someone back to you so you can swing said sword at them, possibly chucking a spear at someone in the air, etc. These are to take away your opponents bravery points, preferabbly down to zero, so then you can mess them up with your HP attacks. HP, as pretty much anyone that has played nearly any video game should know, stands for hit points. This is what you have to take to zero so you can win. The HP attacks are usually a bit more fancy. This is where that short skirted cutie (her name is Ehlana) will toss a freakin' flood at your ass, or something equally spectacular. This is how you win. And heres one of the problems with the game: you don't get a whole mess of options with your cool HP attacks. Yeah its awesome the first few times you mess someone up with that flood, but by about the 150th time, you'll be thinking man....can't I get some other awesome attack to waste people? And the answer is not for a very, very long time. You see, you can level up each of your heroes in this game, I think all the way up to 50...but when you play through each persons story, you are lucky to get them to around level 12-16ish. I've beaten it with five people (even two of the androgynous weirdos, I don't discriminate) and I still have the same two attacks with everyone. It's not cool. HOWEVER - is this a gamebreaker? Of course not. You'll be a little annoyed by it after a while, but you'll also be impressed by what this game has to give you. Which is a lot.

And since I usually start with graphics but I began with (one of my few) complaints about the game, now I'll talk about the graphics. I'll just put it out there right now - this is probably the best looking game you'll play on the PSP. Maybe not ever (we do have a new Gran Turismo coming out for it next month, after all), but definitely really, really pretty stuff. Better than you'd see on a PS2, for sure. And thats saying something for a handheld system. The effects are cool, the spells and attacks, while repetitive after a while, are impressive, and fights stay fast and intense without ever slowing down. It's really good stuff, and nearly worth the price of admission alone.

But thats the good thing - unlike some crap games for the PSP (and HOO, man, wow, are there sure a lot of those, yikes), this isn't just a showpiece that your friends can ooh and aah at, but not much else. Theres a lot here to do. So you have ten heroes and ten bad guys, with basically one from each of the past final fantasies, all the way up to 10 (nobody from 12, sorry). You get the "Warrior of Light" from Final Fantasy 1, since that didn't really have any characters except the ones you created. You get the slightly metrosexual Firion from 2, the aforementioned short skirted cutie/magical badass Ehlana from 3 (which was actually 6, remember), Cecil the Dark Knight from IV, and so on. It's all good stuff. If you like that over rated whiney jerk from FF7 Cloud, hes in here too. If you like the under rated monkey...type guy from FF9 Zidane, hes here too. Basically, the main characters you remember from those old Final Fantasies are in here, and guess what? Each one of em has their own stories. Thats what we call replayability. Yes, most of the stories cover familiar ground - Ehlana has to figure out what to do with her powers, for instance. She already had to do that in FF6. Squall has to decide whether his friends really matter to him or if he wants to stay a loner. Yes, same dilemma from FF8. Doesn't matter, its all packed in there and the fact that everyone has their own tale is impressive in its own right. It all culminates to a specific "Dissidia" ending about the battle between Chaos and that (hottie) Cosmos on the side of light. It's maybe a little basic, but its very cool stuff.

<----You may ask yourself this same question once or twice during the stories, but honestly, it doesn't matter a whole lot. Since you have TEN different stories to play out, obviously they aren't going to be the deepest affairs, but thats ok. The gameplay is definitely there, and there a whole MESS of things to unlock and items to buy, not to mention abilities to acquire, summons to get and equip, etc., etc., etc. This game could very well consume your life if you want it to, and that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, when it comes to great PSP games, its always been slim pickins. We're talkin, one MAYBE two great games a year. And this one could very well be THE best PSP game thats been released in its something like five year life cycle, and thats...well, there are bigger feats in the world of video games (have you read my Valkirya Chronicles review yet, for instance? You should.), but still, an impressive offering from good ol' Square Enix. Before I get on with my scores however, heres another douchebag alert, similar to the one from Shadow Complex. I certainly hope that this doesn't become a common section for my reviews, but this idiot just cannot be ignored. Look at his stupid little flowery hat. Hes also like 4 feet tall. Look at his pansy ass sword. Look at his goofy armor that wouldn't protect from one swipe of a real mans bigass sword, which this game has in spades. And to top it all off, this guy doesn't even have a name. You know what they call him? THE ONION KNIGHT. So apparently, he is a knight that DEFENDS THE NOBLE NAME OF ONIONS. WTF was Square Enix thinking when this idiot was put into the game?! Yes, the actual FF3 from Japan didn't have any named characters really just like FF1, just different jobs. And apparently, Onion Knight was one of these jobs. I wouldn't know, because I don't want to FREAKING DEFEND ONIONS. Save this jackasses' story for last, because I can assure you, you won't give a crap what happens to him. How in the world he ended up travelling the world with a hottie like Ehlana is beyond me, but then again, if a website like www.hotchickswithdouchebags.can exist, well then this idiot can pick up the babes too I guess. I've had enough, on to the scores.

Graphics - 10/10. I'm cutting through the bullcrap today. You are all aware this a handheld game, and handheld games are generally world-renowned for having mind-blowing graphics. Yes, this isn't as good looking as a PS3 or 360 or something, of course. But you can't really get much better on a handheld system, and on top of the pretty backgrounds and sweet effects for your attacks, theres an assload of cut scenes (all voiced) and other good stuff. So yeah, I did it. I went there. 10/10.

Sound - 10/10. As if there was any question what this score would be to anyone thats ever played a Final Fantasy game. The music in these games are as close to a real life symphony as you are gonna get. As a matter of fact, I've SEEN a lot of these jams performed BY a symphony, and surprise! It was incredible. It's all here. From classic stuff from the old ones by the Beethoven of video game music, Nobou Uematsu, to new stuff from FF9 and 10, its all here. Pretty decent voice acting too from everyone, Sephiroth sounds sufficiently menacing, Kefka sounds like a nutcase, etc. It all works. Get some headphones when you pick this game up and let the good times roll.

Challenge - 6/10. This game isn't hard. They have star ratings for each persons stories, but they can be largely ignored. You may get annoyed at a final boss, or you may struggle trying to get some of the (optional) secret stuff, but its nothing that you will scream in frustration at. You don't level up as fast as you should, but honestly, if you know what you are doing you may not even have to switch your attacks through the whole story. Its where the game stumbles a bit.

Fun - 7/10. And heres where else it stumbles. It gets repetitive after a while, and like I said, you don't progess as often as you should. You'll get annoyed of the same HP attacks and wonder when the hell you are gonna get any new ones. Some of the achievements are ridiculous and only for the insanely dedicated Final Fantasy fan that wants to squeeze every ounce of excitement out of this game. That isn't to say you should pass it up. A story for each hero is impressive, and even on top of the story mode, theres the arcade mode where you can enjoy being your favorite evil badass from the Final Fantasy universe. So yeah, maybe its a little repetitive, but theres so much to do it isn't a huge knock against the game.

Overall - 8/10. It stumbles in some areas, but its a beautiful game with a whole lot of replayability, a lot to see and do, and really, something for any Final Fantasy fan. Its a real showpiece for the PSP and *gasp* its actually pretty fun and has a lot to keep you coming back for more. Reason to own a PSP? No. There really hasn't ever been one. But if you own a PSP and haven't touched it in a while, blow the dust off of it, and go buy this and Crisis Core if you haven't yet.


Haven't updated in a while, but no more of that! Time for newer games like...Shadow Complex!

Ok, so I haven't been around as much as I should have been in the past few weeks. Sorry about that, all 19 loyal followers. I've been working on other stuff and plus, I figured I'd let a few amazing games pile up and then review them all at once. So here we go, we'll start with the first one of the bunch that I played, and its a...its a...*gasp* an XBOX 360 exclusive! I told you I wasn't (totally) a PS3 fanboy!

So first off, lets get this right out of the way first...this game only costs $15. Thats about a quarter of what most games cost today, and really, the fact that I'm reviewing it, and I didn't start title it "TERRIBLE VIDEO GAME REVIEW #2" should tell you that you should just close your computer screen now and go download it. You can also look at those graphics there with that big ol' fancy robot about to waste that little stick figure you play as and you might think...wow, thats a downloadable game? But indeed, yes it is, and its a mighty fine lookin' one at that. It's also incredibly awesome.
So, why is it awesome, is of course the main question I am here to answer. The answer is (much like Bionic Commando) NOT the story. It's stupid. You won't care about it. Don't worry about what happens. Apparently Orson Scott Card slapped his name on this thing somewhere, maybe because not enough people were buying his books or something, but if the story to this game is based on any of his books, well then he might want to find another line of work. You once again won't give a rats ass about any of the characters and the main character actually...and I shudder as I type this...but he actually reminded me a lot of the main character of that very pretty trainwreck of a game, known as a Prey. In Prey, another 360 exclusive by the way, except that one you don't WANT to play unless you find it for $6 and either a) need a coaster or b) want to have a good laugh at a game developers expense with friends, your main character is a tool. And I mean that in every sense of the word. Hes a douchebag. Hes useless. Here he is, just saw his freakin' relatives get slaughtered by crazy aliens that are hellbent on world domination, and this idiot is supposed to be the sole savior of the world, and whats he bitch and moan about the whole time? He just wants to find his girlfirend. He wants to find her, head back home, throw his arm around his woman and crack open a beer. Yes, jackass, because this freakin' ALIENS, that are destroying SOCIETY AS WE KNOW IT, will just let YOU head back and kick it with your girlfriend. ...thinking about that game makes me angry. Can you tell? But anyways, the main character of Shadow Complex...I honestly don't remember his name, you might as well just call him Jim or Bob or Billy, whatever you want, but he reminds me of that tool. That's no a good thing. His girlfriend is equally useless and surprise! She gets kidnapped at the beginning of this game too. You won't care about saving her. You WILL care about the awesome time you are having exploring the really cool world that this game has however.
It's also a very pretty world, and thats really saying something for a game that won't break your wallet. Hell a 12 year old could afford this with their allowance (I always spent mine on comics, though). And you could do much worse for $15 (like the new Nickleback, Fall Out Boy, or Britney Spears cd). So as usual with most of the games I review, I've established we have us a mighty purty game. This shot here is one of the opening areas where the game starts you with...drumroll please...a flashlight! Thats it. And you know what? Thats awesome. You don't even have a gun when you get tangled up in this mess, and you can't punch dudes. You have to work your way from the ground up, and games that start you with nothing always really work that "I feel accomplished" angle. As you become more and more badass in the game, you feel more accomplished, and stuff you might have struggled with at the beginning will be chump stuff later on. This game uses that whole...and I don't like this moniker, but its out there, so what the hell...but the whole "metroidvania" philosophy, which is pretty much just another word for...2D masterpiece. Metroid games are classics, heck they even managed to do a pretty good job integrating it into 3D with the past few games, and I am usually staunchly against changing stuff that probably shouldn't be changed. And Castlevania...well cmon now. That 2D franchise has been incredible since Symphony of the Night way back on the Playstation, and they just keep cranking them out on the handheld systems, and finding new ways to make the tried and true formula fresh. Shadow Complex doesn't really do anything new, but it does do all of those old cliches really well. Theres backtracking, theres finding a place you really want to get to but don't have the item for yet. Theres a fancy suit that gives you different powers that you slowly build upon as you make your way through the "Shadow Complex" (name drop!). Theres new enemies you will encounter, and theres also a whole bunch of different robots and henchmen for you to blow up.
Robots such as this one. But basically, it has all the formulas down for a great 2D exploration game, and thats exactly what you get here. And why did I want to talk about it today? Because we don't get games like this anymore, and we especially don't get them on next gen systems. Kudos (remember those granola bars called that back in the day, that weren't good for you at all cuz they were Snickers or Milky Way flavored? Man those were good) to Microsoft for picking up this indie game developed by the dudes at Chair. I hope that this game sells well, and it certainly should at $15, and it starts a craze for more 2D goodness, and really, this has been the year for 2D. Another great just came out, and thats Muramasa on the Wii, which I'll review later on. Like I said, you don't need to care about the story. This game will keep you exploring for right around 10 hours or so, and theres some challenge rooms packed on there too that will keep you busy for another hour or so. It's all good stuff, and guess what? Alot of $60 games won't even take you 10 hours anymore. Lots of em take 6, some even less (like the recent travesty of a game, if you can even call it that, Terminator Salvation) than that. And this one costs a quarter of the price. Really, why are you still reading my review, just go download this game now if you have a 360, and enjoy 10 hours of your life spent on an awesome game with a crappy story. As I've said before, Ebert has it kinda right with some aspects of video games, we don't quite have the grand epic tales down for some games, but if you are having a good time, does it really matter that much? This game, much like Bionic Commando, is the equivalent of a great popcorn flic from the summer. And there ain't nothin wrong with that sometimes. So check this game out, and on to the scores!

One more thing: look at this idiot. Would you want this guy to be the one to save your life, with his $10 spiky hair cut, douche face, and goofy ass costume? Of course not. Give me one of the androgynous Final Fantasy dudes with their emo clothes and goofy haircuts, at least they got some style! You see 10 of this guy just walking into a Hollister store - assuming you'd ever go near one of those (and I hope you wouldn't).
Graphics - If you are talking about compared to a $60 game, well then 7/10. Its pretty, but there are some issues with it, you'll clip into some things (that means overlap the scenery, and it looks all goofy, to the uninitiated), some of the background stuff looks kinda weird up close, and the character models could be animated a little better. But talking as a downloadable game, that will only set you back $15? A 10/10. It's the cream of the crop as far as that stuff goes, its gorgeous, and even with a 7/10 score as opposed to more expensive games, this game could still hang with most anything out there today. It's purty.
Sound - 9/10. The voice acting is pretty dumb, even though its voiced by that cool guy from Uncharted and Prince of Persia (same guy does those main characters voices too), but I'd blame that on the writing more than anything else. But the sound effects will make you jump, the guns sound great, robots sound accordingly menacing, and everything blows up real good. It won't disappoint you. Crank on the surround sound and feel the G's.
Challenge - 8/10. Nothing too tough. You can crank it up higher, of course, just like any game nowadays. But on the default, nothing that will piss you off too much. Theres an experience system so if you feel like you are too weak (and you won't) for a particular enemy, go level up. It gets pretty easy toward the end when your character is all souped up, but aren't you supposed to be a true badass by the end of any game? The answer is yes. The challenge rooms have some annoying trials but nothing you can't get past without a bit of dedication, and they didn't even really need to tack those on anyways. The game only costs $15 for gods sake!
Fun - 10/10. Game is fantastic. You'll love exploring, you'll love getting new items, finding some cool secrets, and...well, I guess the ending is alright. Much like the Metroid and Castlevania games, you may even want to do it all over again in a few months. Or weeks. Maybe even days, if you missed something the first time.
Overall - 9/10. If you are talking about sheer value, then its a 16/10. Most games that cost full retail won't even last you 10 hours these days. Game length has really lessened over the years, which probably relates to our ridiculously short attention spans. So I guess its not a real big deal, but 10-15 hours is really pretty ideal. Hell thats almost a buck an hour, which taint' half bad. Go download this today. Its the first 360 exclusive to come down the pipe in a long time thats really worth your time.